Friday, March 18, 2011

Political for a day

I don't like politics, and I try to avoid it at all costs.  But the reality is that there are politics in every aspect of our lives.  From a small town school board member who resigns her position standing up for what's right, to what is occupying most peoples viewing and time right now, the NCAA selection committee choosing the teams we are now watching.  It's whenever you turn around, in school, in the workplace, and even in families.  Everything we do or say is probably related to politics in some way or another.  We all say we don't like politicians, but, in some way or another every one of us are.  Yes, I realize this is usually in reference to people in public office.  I have been an "Independent" most of my life because I didn't want to associate myself with a certain party because I had problems and issues with both Democrats and Republicans.  But over the past several years I guess you would say I've become a Republican.  I was always a big supporter of President Bush, and defended him in whatever he did.  I don't believe he was the selfish, bad president everyone made him out to be.  He was dealt a bad hand with September 11.  The state we are in now is because of that, not because of presidential policies.  I don't care if Bill Clinton was president then, we'd still be in this situation.  But, what President Bush was most criticized for was his invasion of Iraq.  Sadaam Hussein was a cruel dictator who killed MANY of his own people.  He needed to go.
The news of the day is the current situation in Libya.  I watched President Obama's press conference this afternoon.  I have never, not once, been an Obama supporter.  We are no better off now, going on his 3rd year in office than we were when he took over.  His policies have done nothing whatsoever.  But, what upsets me most after today is the hypocrisy.  While running for President he spoke out against the "opression" in Iraq on a regular basis and how wrong we were for doing what we did, and needed to get out.  His press conference this afternoon basically gave warning to the American people that we are about to enter another war.  The UN has given the Libyan dictator warning to stop the violence or military force will be used.  From the sound of things, the Libyan dictator is as likely to back down as Sadaam Hussein was in Iraq.  There's only one way this situation is going to be resolved peacefully, and that's with force.  If nothing is done, the violence and oppression will continue.
Comparing the two "conflicts" I think military action is much less needed in this case.  The Libyan dictator is doing the same thing to his people that Hussein did with his.  But, the difference is a threat to us.  Whether you believe there were weapons of mass destruction or not, Sadaam Hussein was always going to be a threat to America.  Libya is no threat to us.  If you ask me, and it's just my opinion, but I think military force was much more justified in Iraq than it is in Libya.  Oh, wait...  there is one more thing.  The other thing many Democrats accused Bush for going into Iraq was oil.  Whether we like it or not, we are not about to break our dependancy on foreign oil.  Ethanol is a joke.  There is no way we can raise enough corn to fuel America's cars, let alone heat homes, etc.  All the ethanol boom did was jack up the price of corn so much that farmers couldn't afford to feed their livestock.  I almost lost my job because of it.  Libya is responsible for 3% of the world's oil production, so that could have a pretty big effect on oil prices.  So, there are many similarities here.  Obama is just as big, if not a bigger hypocrite than any other politician.  Maybe he should worry more about the important issues than being the president being on the most tv talk shows.  There's a reason president's don't go on Leno or Letterman.  They have better things to do.
But there's one other issue that I believe needs mentioning.  For this I give credit to someone I have indirectly criticized in the past few weeks.  For those that know me as a sports fanatic, you also know I love history.  My career direction after high school was to be a history teacher.  One of the things I learned in history in high school was the impact of a war.  After every depression or recession in the American economy there has been a war to bring us out of it.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt, probably one of our favorite and most loved presidents implimented MANY different programs and policies to try to get us out of the Great Depression, but what actually got us out of the Great Depression was World War II.  The Cold War under Raegan was very similar, even though there was never a shot fired.  While I don't believe it was a major reason for it, I do believe it played a small part in the war in Iraq.  September 11 was a crippling blow to our economy and this is turning into the biggest recession we've seen, and not far from a depression.  I believe this is also in play today with the situation in Libya.  Obama's programs and policies are not helping at all.
But I just can't get over how a man that criticized his predecessor for the war in Iraq, saying all the service men and women that died was not necessary and not justified is about to go and do the exact same thing.  IF there was any chance of him getting my vote or support, he lost it today.  He will NEVER get my vote.  EVER.  I pray for all the troops because they are about to get put in harms way once again.  I have friends and family serving our country and hope for their sake this is resolved peacefully and all this is for nothing.

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